Oct 28, 2009

P.S: Stick Around For More

This Blog Is About Me And Some...

Deleting my old blog pleased me.

Which makes it worse.

Okay. What can you expect from this blog?

Anything and everything under the sun.

With a slight difference.

My cynicism added to the mix.

I'm sure you've heard it all before.

But not my version!

Oct 15, 2009

Et Zut!

It's getting worse and worse. I seriously can't take another 'padded panties'. A month ago I booked an appointment by my local gyneco for today. I gave it a miss. Why? My cousin came to see me today and I found out she was having the same problems. She then recommended me her trusted gyneco. So I called and found he is out of the country and will be back tomorrow. I'll drop by him tomorrow and see what he says. :(

Oct 8, 2009

It Can't Be

For almost a month I've been bleeding and clotting incessantly. I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't remember the last time I had sex. But the last time I had sex was superb. (I just contradicted myself there didn't I? Mehh..) And I think Mr Spreading really spread that night. Oh yes it was at night-time! Anyhoodle, 2 weeks of uterus oozing blood, I'm feeling preggy! It can't be right? This morning I woke up with a wobbly stomach. Usually in the mornings I have a heavy breakfast. But I can't even think about tea or toasts right now. I had to sit down and catch my breath until I hiccupped. I felt better then but now it's back again.

I booked an appointment with the local gyneco and I won't see her until next week! What a bummer!

Oct 7, 2009

Diet What?!

Besides ugliness, the weight factor preys on women's minds.

I passed the first factor. I mean I'm not ugly. I used to turn more heads though, before the weight issue actually became an 'issue'!

Weighing around 48 Kgs in my late teens early 20s, I was living the dream. Men whistled at me. I was being stared at and groped at. In a nice way. My breasts and bouncy ass were the main focus in my anatomy. I loved it. Who wouldn't? Unless you're crazy. Or you're in plain denial.

Like I said everything was great. I even managed to sweep off the cutest guy off his long athletic legs. (Just because you're curious: he was a football player! Oh yea go on drool...)

As you probably guessed, it didn't end well. We went our separate ways. Body still banging, like a butterfly I was sniffing every flower which smelled good. (I heard you! I WAS not a whore you biatch!)

Anyhoodle, life was treating me good until I met Mr Spreading. Then it got better. He is my type after all. But nobody told me that those "seamen" would carry and deliver me on the portly side! I wasn't eating them for God's sake. I've heard of women losing extra pounds by sexcising. Not piling up on calories. Unless I'm missing something. (?)

Very soon though I found a remedy to lose unwanted weight. Oh yes! An unglamorous way. Nothing yucky. Everybody goes through it at some times or the other.

It is called S-T-R-E-S-S. Anxiety. Oppression. Depression. Poverty.

I was broke for 2 months almost 2 years ago. That two months of starvation got my jawline all prettily shaped up and my double-chin, still in its baby stage, vanished! Getting myself stressed on insignificant things pressed my belly back to its "original" shape.

Now when I say I'm stressed or feeling very very low, deep down inside...I'm happy! Very much. :)

Oct 5, 2009

If Only I Can Dispose of Humans As I Empty My Inbox

I was just checking my inbox when I came upon WMIL's email. I sent her my resume 2 months ago and now she replied. She was supposed to set me up for a job interview with one of her friends. Right now I don't mind staying home and do nothing. Mr Spreading doesn't have a problem with that either. She would like me to call her and plan something. I'm so tempted to send a reply saying, "I don't fucking need your help."

So why has she emailed me back today? I have an inkling she wants to know what's really happening at home and she wants me to update her. Hell no! If that's the case then she should bring back her ass and stay put by FIL's side! I won't succumb to her manipulative self.

I was having such a nice day before I read her email... *sighs*

I Wish WMIL Will Go MIA...For Good

Remember the wretched mother in law? I think she has someone spying on us. She called yesterday to 'investigate'. FIL (father in law) doesn't tell her everything that goes on at home. Somehow she finds out. And she never divulges her sources. She brushes our questions aside. But when you ignore her enquiries she gets crazy mad and stomps off like a child, via telephone.

So last night FIL talked to her and could no longer ignore her insistent questions about who's dealing with what. FIL is a very wise person. His diplomatic skills astound me. It's not in any conniving way. Bless him.

Anyhoodle, he tried yesterday to handle her as graciously as he could. But WMIL is cruel and in one way or another she got FIL all riled up. The phone conversation ended quite abruptly and on sour tones. So this morning everybody is hustling and dealing with what we gotta deal with, especially as it's month-end, so that WMIL won't have any reason to grate on our nerves.

Mr Spreading and I will be glad to tell her what she deserves to hear but out of love and respect for FIL our tongues remain tied.

What a bummer!